TOS and FAQs


Go on the end of the page of the section of your interest and fill the google form : Please provide a paypal address and a Instagram/Telegram/Twitter contact to make communication easier.
Please send me a message on Twitter or Instagram for double check on your request. Otherwise I could not accept the commission.

Before starting the commission, you have to send me a proper reference of the subject you want me to draw. An unclear reference might lead me to get wrong the physical appearance of the subject.
Not all commissions will be accepted .
Once I accept your request, you have to do the payment.

When payment is done, you will be placed on a waiting list . ​Then you'll be assigned a rough date of when the work begins.

I could have other commissions to do before yours, priority will be given to who paid first.

If you have hurry, I can work on your commission before others, but it will be subject to extra costs.

Once I start working on your commission, estimated delivery times are 5 working weeks to 12 working weeks . Times may change depending on the type/size of the project and on the amount of free time I have.

The Commissioner will be able to regularly preview the piece during the process.



Important to know:

I reserve the right to use commissions as material for exposition merch, Gumroad, portfolios, socials, business cards, price lists examples, etc.

It is absolutely forbidden to draw over or edit my work. Do not edit, trace, modify or alter the artwork in any way .

I reserve the rights to stream the work ( unless requested differently. Requiring me to work off stream will be subject to extra costs. ​No extremely rushed deadlines or pressure please. Commissioning implies agreement to my own timings.


Edits will only be accepted during sketching stage. It's possible to request up to one revision during the sketching phase and one minor final revision (not main elements).

Major and extra edits will be subject to extra costs charge starting €50 per edit.


The client agrees to credit me when he uses the artwork or anything else I produce for him. In the case of a 2D model of a Vtuber and/or a Character Design, the client agrees to credit me on his social networks (Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, Youtube etc.).

Commercial Rights:

Commissions are strictly not for commercial-use (merch, resale etc.) unless a separate commercial-use agreement has been made.

Commercial rights allow the use of commissioned art as merch, game art, prints, etc.
It consists on the x1.5 or the x2.0 of the original price, depending on the final purpose, and it can be applied to all listings above. Royalties are also an option and can be discussed. Intellectual property, paternity of art and credits will still be held by the artist.

I will retain the paternity of the commissioned artwork, even if it's of your property.

It is absolutely forbidden to draw over or edit my work.

Delivery of the work:

I will give you a folder (via WeTransfer link) when finished, it includes:
- High quality image
- .PSD file​ (If required, not for Live2D models).
Also, if you want, It will be provided the .psd file for print as you can print theartwork in other surface such as pillow, poster, or something else. By commissioning a 2D model you will not receive the .psd file, you will receive a .png file. The whole .psd file will be sent to the rigger only.


Payments via Bank Transfer or PayPal must be made within 48 hrs after I accept your request. Upfront payments only. Depending on the size of the commission, payment plans can be considered. PayPal fees is not included in the original price, and they have to be covered by the customer. Payment with PayPal will be done through an email address I'll personally provide.


Refunds can only be requested if no work has begun on the project.
If the project is started, it will not be possible to request any refund.

I don't give the refund of the 20% amount for the booking service of the waiting list.